Finding Your Spirituality In Recovery

Finding your spiritual self in sobriety is one of the most rewarding experiences one can have in this lifetime. Whether you hit a high, low, or rock bottom as a drunk, the journey back to sobriety can be one of the most worthwhile things you will ever do for yourself.


Many of us have experienced a low bottom, where we may have lost everything, we once cherished. Others may have had a high bottom, where things didn't get too out of control, but we knew we needed to make a change. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, there is no denying the incredible rewards of sobriety.


One of the most beautiful aspects of sobriety is emotional sobriety. This is where we learn to connect with ourselves and others on a deep, heartfelt level. We begin to forgive ourselves for the past and embrace the present. This kind of self-forgiveness can be transformative and can lead us to a level of spiritual wellbeing that we never thought possible.


This connection with ourselves often leads us to a connection with the universe. We begin to see that we are not separate from the world around us, but that we are all connected. We start to see the beauty in the small things, and we learn to appreciate life in a whole new way. It's truly a beautiful experience.


It's important to note that finding your spiritual self in sobriety is not a one size fits all kind of thing. We all have our own journey, and the way we connect with spirituality may differ. Some may find it through meditation, others through art, and some may even find it through physical activity. The important thing is to find what works for you.


In closing, finding your spiritual self in sobriety is truly one of the most rewarding experiences one can have. It may take time, but it is well worth the effort. Remember to be kind to yourself, to forgive yourself, and to embrace the journey with open arms. The rewards are endless.