The Unexpected Reward Of Sobriety: Finding My Best Friend .... The Key To Starting The Journey From Codependency To Inter-dependency.

I want to share with you a personal journey of mine that has brought me closer to my truest self - finding my best friend in sobriety.


As a child, I struggled with attachment issues, which led to developing an anxious attachment style. I always sought validation from others, craving their attention and affection. Throughout my adulthood, this pattern continued, and I often found myself in unhealthy relationships, with an avoidant attachment style partner, who didn't reciprocate my desire for love and affection.


It all came to a head when I hit rock bottom and decided to seek help for my addiction to alcohol. Through recovery, I learned to love and accept myself. I no longer sought validation from others, but instead, I found my best friend in sobriety - ME. Sobriety transitioned me from self hating to true, heartfelt self loving. When I treated myself as my best friend, I could feel the change in me slowly breaking some of my codependent behaviors.


I realized that loving and accepting myself was key to forming healthy relationships with others. My journey taught me to develop a mature attachment style, which allows me to form healthy relationships with mutual care and respect.


Through 15 years of sobriety, I have found myself. I no longer cling on to unhealthy codependent relationships, but rather, I have launched into loving and healthy relationships with myself and those around me.


I want to remind you that the ultimate best friend is the loving relationship with YOURSELF. It's only then that we can form and nurture healthy and meaningful relationships with others. Remember to always love and accept yourself, and you'll be amazed at the joy and love that comes your way.


With love, trust, and service


Elizabeth Nancy Jansen