Motherhood and Sober Curiosity


I want to talk to you about a topic that is near and dear to my heart: motherhood and being sober curious. In a world where wine culture dominates social events and happy hours, being sober curious can feel like a radical shift. But as a mother, it's a shift that can be life-changing.


For many of us, wine culture has become synonymous with motherhood. It's the end of a long day, and we pour ourselves a glass of wine to relax. We use it to cope with stress and anxiety, and to unwind after a busy day of juggling work and childcare. It's become so normalized that we rarely question our relationship with alcohol.


But what would happen if we did start to question it? What if we took a step back and looked at our behaviour with a critical eye? This is where being sober curious comes in. It's about becoming aware of our behaviour and questioning whether it's serving us or holding us back.


This doesn't mean that we have to give up alcohol altogether. It's about being aware of its effects on our bodies and minds. For example, do you ever notice that you get brain fog or feel sluggish the day after indulging in a few glasses of wine? Or do you find yourself reaching for a drink in social situations because you feel uncomfortable or insecure?


Being sober curious is about being mindful of our behaviour and making a conscious choice to change it. And this is where a recovery coach can be incredibly helpful. They can guide us on our recovery journey, helping us to navigate the challenges that come with sobriety and providing us with the tools to lead a sober, fulfilling life.


Making the decision to become sober curious can be a transformative experience, not just for ourselves but for our families as well. By being present and aware in our lives, we can improve our own well-being and be better role models for our children.


Motherhood is a challenging journey, and being sober curious can seem like just one more challenge. But by embracing this shift in mindset and behaviour, we can create a life that truly serves us and our families. So, let's raise a glass (of sparkling water!) to sober living and a brighter, happier future.


Much Love
