Sober-Curious Living: How the Third Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous can help improve your relationships without having to identify as an alcoholic or addict

Recovery Coaching from an Alcoholic in Recovery

Being sober-curious is a growing trend among people who want to take control of their lives and create healthier habits. It’s also an important step in understanding alcoholism, addiction, and how to live without the need for alcohol or other substances. By being sober-curious, you can learn more about yourself and gain insight into your own behaviors—without having to admit that you are an alcoholic or addict. 

What is the Third Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous and How does it help non-alcoholics?

The Third Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous states that all you need to regain control of your life is to have a desire to stop drinking or stop using. You don't have to show up to an AA meeting and identify as an alcoholic or addict. You can simply identify as a person who has a desire to stop drinking. That is all you need to work towards the lifestyle you want and deserve.

What does sober living entail? How do I get started with sober living?

Sober living isn't just abstaining from drinking; it's a lifestyle choice that involves making healthier decisions in all aspects of life. This includes eating better, exercising regularly, getting adequate sleep each night, managing stress levels effectively, developing positive relationships with others and engaging in meaningful activities like hobbies or volunteer work. Taking these steps will help reduce cravings for alcohol while giving you a sense of purpose and direction in your life. Sobriety doesn't have to mean giving up the occasional glass of wine or beer. Instead, it can be a chance for you to explore and gain insight into your own behaviors—without having to admit that you are an alcoholic or addict. Sober living is about making healthier choices in all aspects of life, from eating better and exercising regularly to getting enough sleep each night and managing stress levels effectively.  It's also about developing positive relationships with others and engaging in meaningful activities like hobbies or volunteer work. By taking these steps, not only will cravings for alcohol be reduced but also a sense of purpose and direction in life can be gained. Read on to learn more about sober-curious living, alcoholism, addiction and how people can start learning about sober living without having to label themselves as an alcoholic or addict.For many people, the idea of sober living can be daunting. The stigma associated with alcoholism and addiction has led to a reluctance to even consider it as an option for their own lives. But sober-curious living is about more than just abstaining from alcohol; it’s about making positive changes in all aspects of life. Sober-curious living is about developing healthy habits that lead to greater wellbeing and satisfaction without having to label oneself as an alcoholic or addict. This blog post will discuss what sober-curious living entails, how it differs from sobriety, alcoholism, addiction and how individuals can start learning more about this lifestyle without having to admit they have a problem with alcohol or drugs.

Want to get started with sober-curious living? Book a free discovery call with me at the link below!